Here you can find all our available Exotic Car Rental fleet inventory. Our fleet ranges from antique and vintage cars to exotic and luxury cars. We also have party buses and limousines available for rental. All cars in our exotic car rental fleet are fully automatic and easy to drive, there is no need for any special training to drive your dream exotic car.

For any queries, please give us a call or text at 848-278-9927 You can also put in your inquiry through our Quote form

Antique Rolls Royce

Antique Convertible

C8 Convertible

Auburn Convertible

Hummer EV SUV

Bentley Convertible

8 Passenger Chrysler Limo

14 Passenger Cadillac Limo

12 Passenger Sprinter Limo

24 Passenger Party Bus

42 Passenger Party Bus

50 Passenger Coach Bus